Our Story

Welcome to the home of the Gold Elf!
Hello! I'm Katherine, a mother of three, a wife, a Teacher in Early Childhood Education for 14 years and, now, the founder of ‘The Gold Elf’, a new Christmas Elf! An Elf who was born into the magical Christmas world because of our young family. An Elf that builds self-esteem by honouring your child with a ‘Gold Elf’ for December, for being a great kid with a GOLD heart even if they make mistakes when experiencing big feelings. No threats or reporting back to Santa needed here - the Gold Elf knows your child has a good heart - and they will ALWAYS be filed on Santa's ‘nice list’. My experience in Early Childhood Education has taught me that when you believe in a child, they believe in themselves!
Christmas has always been a special time of year for us… family, giving, joy and magic. As parents, we were content with the Christmas traditions we chose to do each year with our children (think; decorating gingerbread houses, baking treats for others, buying gifts to donate to charities and sorting through our own things to donate, too!). Teaching our children that Christmas is more about giving than receiving was a priority for us.
It wasn't until our eldest son started school that he became aware of other Christmas traditions and started asking about them. As we like to keep things rather simple (parents are busy and don't need anymore commitments, right?!) we definitely started to feel the parent guilt set in… was our child missing out?
The problem was, many other traditions didn't quite align with our values and we also didn't want to add any more to our ‘Christmas’ plate.
*Enter the Gold Elf!*
One afternoon I stapled a few blank pages together, got the water colour paint out and made a little book for the boys for Christmas. I found an old wooden Elf statue and painted it gold and they were given the Elf as a “trophy” like statue to treasure, play with and display with pride. Let's be honest - ‘GOLD’ is usually the elite colour in a child's world - anything gold is precious! Upon receiving their Gold Elf on the first day of December, they were so excited. They were glowing when they told everyone about their special Elf and how it was because they had shown kindness and care this year (plenty of mistakes made along the way - - - but let's highlight the positives and boost their self-esteem!)
A few of my family and friends saw the home-made book and ‘Gold Elf’ and asked for one too. After a lot of devotion to creating a real book and a special gold statue, here we are, sharing our alternative Christmas Elf tradition with you. I hope the ‘Gold Elf’ brings ease, self-esteem and pride into your beautiful family this Christmas, too!
A big warm thank you for stopping by,
Katherine 🎅🎄✨️